St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


方济会学院,位于全球网赌十大网站校园, 从事三个主要的学术领域:研究, 出版物和学术会议, 关于方济会思想传统的讲习班和研讨会.


Founded as an international center of research on the Franciscan intellectual tradition, 拥有最高标准的学术成果, the 方济会的研究所 exists to serve the scholarly and educational needs of the Franciscan family and the wider community.

这是一个中心,促进研究方济各会的来源, 历史和神学, with a focus on a critical study of the origin and early development of the Franciscan movement.

在它存在的最初几十年里, the research team of the 研究所 dedicated its energies to preparing the critical editions of the works of William of Ockham and Adam of Wodeham. 最近, it has turned its attention to completing the philosophical works of John Duns Scotus — a project in collaboration with scholars at The Catholic University of America. 

It continues research projects on Peter of John Olivi, the works of St. 博纳旺蒂尔和黑尔斯的亚历山大. 欲知详情,请浏览 方济会的研究.

  • 方济会协会出版

    方济会协会出版标志Known for many years for its critical editions of leading medieval Franciscan philosophers and theologians, 方济会协会出版 has more recently endeavored to make available to a wider reading public the very best of modern scholarship on the history, 方济各会运动的精神和思想传统.

    The newly reinvigorated Bonaventure Texts in Translation Series is a case in point. The latest online version of the FIP catalog reveals a good number of monographs, translations and several new scholarly series that attempt to bridge the medieval and contemporary worlds.


    方济会的研究 is a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal published by the 方济会的研究所 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. It deals with Franciscan matters: history, 哲学, 神学, and culture. 

    方济会的研究 是英语世界的一份重要杂志, not just for those of us who study Francis and early Franciscans but more broadly in the fields of medieval and modern history, 神学, 哲学, 灵性, 文学, 等."   - Dr. 亚伦·吉斯,副主编

    方济会的连接 是一个国际性的方济各会博客吗, 沟通, and conveys the best of Franciscan learning in the twenty-first century.


    项目 & 会议

    研究所研讨会, workshops and 会议 for engaging people in historical and contemporary issues related to Franciscan thought and charism.

    了解即将推出的产品 项目 & 会议网页.



    The 方济会学院图书馆 boasts the largest and finest collection of Franciscan sources in North America.

    两位学者正在研究一篇有几百年历史的文本The library constitutes one of the special collections of  Friedsam Memorial 图书馆 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, 包括超过18个,000卷, 现有期刊订阅110种,其他期刊470种..

    在其对方济会运动的报道中, the collection is unique in North and South America and can only be matched by a few European libraries.

    方济会学院图书馆不仅支持教学项目, 还有世界各地学者的研究.

    方济各会的圣名图书馆(见上图), 它附属于弗里德萨姆纪念图书馆, 保护学校的珍本藏书, described by the National Endowment for the Humanities as "a unique national asset of great value to American humanistic scholarship." 

    It includes the most important collection of Franciscana in North America, 超过9个,000 rare books and manuscripts dating from the 12th century up to and including the seminal journals of renowned monastic Thomas Merton, 在圣. 20世纪40年代早期的博纳旺蒂尔.

    欲知详情,请浏览 方济会学院图书馆.


    The mission and programs of the 方济会的研究所 are supported in part by a number of key benefactors.

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